Energia wiatru

Instytut Rozwoju Energii Odnawialnej

Using wind turbines to generate electricity is one way of using renewable energy sources, in this case wind power. Wind energy is considered environmentally friendly, since harmful substances do not enter the atmosphere, as in the case of burning fossil fuels. The aesthetic argument - wind turbines - is better harmonized with the surrounding landscape than, for example, chimneys. The huge advantage of electricity generated by wind turbines is its constant low price. Wind generators change the kinetic energy of the wind to the mechanical rotations of the impeller. Depending on the orientation of the axis of the rotor, wind turbines are divided into two types: turbines with a horizontal and vertical axis of rotation. The first type of turbine is the most common, consists of a high-performance rotary tower. The rotor looks like a propeller and consists of three blades, although depending on the size of the propeller may be smaller and larger. For maximum efficiency, the wind turbine should be directed in the direction of the wind, and the location of the wind turbine does not matter. Thanks to technological development, wind power in Europe took over the leadership as a source of alternative energy. The total number of installed wind turbines in Europe produces 142 kWh of electricity per year, which is 4.2% of the demand for electricity in the EU as of 2013, and this proportion is constantly growing.

Wychodząc naprzeciw ciągłej eksploatacji Ziemi, naukowcy i inżynierowie starają się znaleźć nowe źródła energii odnawialnej. W szczególności zainteresowani są wodą i jej wszechstronnością. Wiele badań i projektów zmierza do pozyskiwania energii ze strumyków, rzek i energii falowej, które są określone jako okrągłe ruchy cząsteczek wody, spowodowane wiatrem, który przemieszcza powierzchnię wody poprzez tarcie.